Tuesday 15 March 2011

colourful life;)

Its been umm 2 years i have not updating my blog and fuckyeah its been almost 2 years since i do poem writing..haha..i've been missing writing all those poems but sadly my poem notes are missing..been misplaced or i dont know..i forgot where the hell i put that notes..shit.Anyway,college life been really busy tho with assignments and stuff.im not much of a writer and seriously im too lazy to type...thats why my blog are not much updated or err i never been on this since like forever..and one thing is im very sure of.my grammar are getting SUCKS!BIG TIME!.
Okay here just a few things recently happened in my life..i mean some of them are quite old story but since im not writing like forever..here are some of the thing and made my life super fucking colourful oh jyeah!;)

1. im not single anymore and i feel so super duper lucky that i have Noor Aisyah Bt Mohamad as my girlfriend.i'll make u happy baby!;)

2. Now im having my 2nd year degree at beloved university UTHM taking civil engineering;)

p/s:google for UTHM location;)

3. im getting boroi!(fuck i hate this the most)..i miss 2008:(

4. i have the best and the coolest new friends;)...(actually im not sure whether i should call them 'new' friends or not since we're in the same course since 1st year...heh).you know who you are people;)

5. i think my favourite football team now is Barcelona:P

6. i've been through something right now but i decide i wanna keep them myself because i dont want any changes.

7. im using blackberry now!(show off abis)hahaha but then some of my friends already using iphone4!..shit im so old fashioned;(

8. i do watch local football league now.HAHA!

9. okay,im quite blurred now and out of ideas what to write.can i continue later?teehee

Well those things happened in my life somehow made me realize how wonderful life is. Tho some of them are moments that i really dont want to get through..but i know im having the most beautiful colour of life and certainly there are no regrets for me;)

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